SOA, ROA and the NSDI

But people in the SDI community are aware there can be different ways of building SDI - all the way from proprietary to interoperable and everything in between. With that said, the community can refer to previous work in SDI that attempted to capture Resource Oriented Architectures (ROA) principles and assess the feasibility of using such approaches compared with Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) principles. Here are some basic definitions from that work -
"The SOA and ROA architectural design patterns and the corresponding distributed programming paradigms provide a conceptual methodology and development tools for creating distributed architectures. Distributed architectures consist of components that clients as well as other components can access through the network via an interface and the interaction mechanisms the architecture defines; in the cases of ROA and SOA such distributed components will be named respectively resources and services." European Communities, 2008
As an overarching concept what is key is interoperability - the shared agreements of our community. If consensus ROA standards do advance in the future and can be used for access to geospatial and environmental data this would be positive - and we've already built RESTful Services with technologies like Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). But there will also be NSDI 2.0 information exchange, services and collaboration requirements that can be supported better by SOA standards like OGC Web Services - which are available now. In the end, a key concept is bringing NSDI and NEIEN closer, and advancing our community. More to discuss soon...
- Jeff
In my opinion ROA, WOA and even the new buzzword 'Cloud Computing' are all subsets or refinements of the SOA architecture. True innovation and shift will come from modern peer-to-peer when IPv6 completely replaces the archaic IPv4. True distribution of services and client sharing is where the future lies.
Actually, we have been so bogged down in discussions that we've missed this major point - that SOA, ROA and the Cloud are just refinements of current client-server approaches. Information is still held under control and true democratic access "will come from modern peer-to-peer when IPv6 completely replaces the archaic IPv4."
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