Thursday, July 29, 2010

Windows Azure cloud in real-time geospatial collaboration demo

The Carbon Project's CarbonCloud Sync platform was tested and demonstrated at the recent Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Services 7 (OWS-7) event. The problem addressed by this solution is the need to receive real-time geographic updates from many sources, validate them, and then share the updates with web services from many organizations. The demonstration uses Gaia, WFS from ESRI, plus WFS and REST Map Tile Services from CubeWerx. All real-time communications between users and web services is handled by CarbonCloud Sync on Windows Azure Cloud.

The components of CarbonCloud Sync as deployed on Azure Cloud were:

  • A web role - to host the management part and front facing services
  • A worker role - to process the transactions, do the transpositions, etc.
  • SQL Azure database – to store the transactions, users, etc.
  • Azure Queue Storage – web role uses this to add events that the worker role will process.

Lots of positive feedback on this - and many thanks to ESRI, CubeWerx and Windows Azure for the services!


At 8/30/2010 10:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although CarbonCloud Sync can be deployed on a standalone server, we see the Azure Cloud as the better platform for it. The key reason is the ability of Azure to scale resources up or down as needed. For example, in a case of a catastrophic even (earthquake, terror, weather event etc.) the usage will shoot up dramatically and quickly and it will be crucial for the system to hold. With Azure we funnel that heavy responsibility to Microsoft who has the resources to guaranty the resources when needed.

At 9/08/2010 08:12:00 PM, Blogger Jeff Harrison said...

Good point. There's definitely going to be some need for standalone SQL Servers too. Perfectly fine since both configurations are supported.


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