Hundreds Join Online Canadian Mapping Demo
The Carbon Project announces that its CarbonArc and Gaia software has successfully supported the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) Interoperability Pilot, most recently at a November 30 online demonstration attended by over 500 people from across Canada.
An overview of the demonstration, including online videos of CarbonArc and Gaia, is available at
The CGDI Interoperability Pilot is sponsored by GeoConnections, a Canadian partnership program led by Natural Resources Canada. The program works with decision-makers and technology developers to increase the use and sharing of location-based (or "geospatial") information and technologies online, via the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure. In the pilot, GeoConnections is collaborating with provincial partners to test better mechanisms for distributing and updating framework data (geographic names, national road network, administrative boundaries, etc.)—providing users with access to the most current and authoritative data, avoiding version disparities, and minimizing duplication.
The recent highly successful pilot project demonstration featured the latest web and geomatics advances, including Web Feature Service (WFS) technology to distribute spatial information nationally while simultaneously managing it near provincial sources.
“These advances enable decision-makers, researchers, and other users of location-based data and technologies to find, share and use these geospatial resources online quickly and easily,” said the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of Natural Resources. “These new capabilities can give Canada a true competitive advantage.”
The Carbon Project is part of the CubeWerx CGDI team. CubeWerx is an industry leader in standards-based spatial data infrastructure (SDI) technology.The latest version of CarbonArc, an SDI extension for the world's most popular GIS—ESRI ArcGIS, was used in the project to provide data discovery and access, near-real-time community updates and analysis tools for emergency management. The Carbon Project also provided a new version of its free Gaia software and demonstrated its extensions for Microsoft Virtual Earth.
"CGDI has broken down a critical barrier in deploying provincial, territorial, and federal data infrastructures— managing data at or near its source," said Jeff Harrison, President and CEO of The Carbon Project. "I'm very pleased that CarbonArc and Gaia were able to help provincial, territorial, and federal partners in this important effort."
You can download the Webcast presented on Nov 30th, 2007 from Ottawa, Canada and view it in Windows Media Player.
For more information please contact or visit
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