Carbon Project Demonstrates Android App for Geospatial Crowd-Sourcing [Video]
A new Android app from The Carbon Project is set to make geospatial crowd-sourcing based on international standards almost as easy as using Twitter.
In the video above Mark Mattson from The Carbon Project shows the basic functions of this easy-to-use app for CarbonCloud Sync. The app lets enterprises receive crowd-sourced mapping updates from users on Android smartphones - and then sends the updates to the CarbonCloud GeoSynchronization Service and many OGC Web Feature Services (WFS) in real-time. The app is unique because not only can real-time updates come from many sources, the geospatial data can also come from almost anywhere. This is unlike many systems today which store data centrally. The demo above uses WFS provided by CubeWerx.
We've recently featured this Android 'GeoSync' app in demos at the Army Geospatial Center, NGA, OGC meetings in Boulder, GEOINT 2011 in San Antonio and many other places - and we're getting great feedback. Check it out and let us know what you think.
- Jeff